Welcome to the bonus stage, coaches! A massive round of applause to each one of you for completing the mini-course. You've invested time and effort into improving your coaching toolbox, and that in itself is a significant achievement. Your dedication to learning and growth is inspiring, and I'm thrilled to see how you'll implement these techniques and create lasting impact in your coaching sessions.

Now, as a special thank you for your hard work and commitment, we've got a little extra for you. No, this isn't for your clients. This one is a gift for you, a tool for your personal growth and betterment as a coach: The Self-Coaching Journal, crafted especially for Shadow Work.

What is Shadow Work?

For those not familiar, Shadow Work is a personal growth technique where we dive deep into the 'shadow' self—the aspects of ourselves that we don't want to see, that we hide, suppress or deny. It’s a journey of introspection and self-discovery, a challenging but rewarding process that enhances self-awareness and authenticity.

Now, you may wonder why we, as coaches, need to do this. Simply put, the better we understand ourselves, the better we can understand others. Our own self-awareness becomes a guiding light to navigate the hidden depths of our clients' minds. It allows us to serve our clients more effectively, empathetically, and honestly.

That's where the Self-Coaching Journal comes into play. It's a tool that facilitates your Shadow Work journey, providing a safe space to explore, document, and reflect on your insights.

Remember, this bonus is all about YOU. As you embark on your journey of Shadow Work through the Self-Coaching Journal, remember the power lies within you to not only change your own life, but to profoundly impact the lives of those you coach. Here's to unlocking the doors of your hidden self, and to a more aware, empathetic, and genuine coaching experience! Keep shining, coaches. You've got this!

30 Day Self-Coaching Journal



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  • BE HONEST: Shadow Work is all about honesty. Allow yourself to express everything in your journal, without judgement or fear.

  • SCHEDULE REGULARLY: Make journaling a regular practice. Even 10 minutes a day can lead to significant self-discoveries over time.

  • FOCUS ON FEELINGS: It’s easy to get caught in the 'story' of what happened. Try to focus more on how you felt about what happened.

  • EXPLORE THE SHADOWS: Use the journal to question, explore, and understand your shadows. Why are they there? What are they protecting you from?

  • REFRAME: Once you identify a shadow, work on reframing it. Find the positive intention behind it and how it can serve you in a healthier way.

Using the Journal

  • INSIGHTFUL REFLECTION: By documenting your thoughts and feelings, you enable thoughtful reflection, helping identify patterns, triggers, and solutions.

  • BOOSTED SELF-AWARENESS: A journal provides a mirror, reflecting your subconscious thoughts, facilitating a deeper understanding of your hidden self.

  • ENHANCED EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Recognising and managing your own emotions, understanding others' emotions - journaling helps enhance your emotional intelligence.

  • GREATER PERSONAL GROWTH: With increased self-awareness comes the opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement.

  • BETTER COACHING SKILLS: As you better understand your shadows, you'll enhance your empathy and understanding of your clients' struggles, thus becoming a more effective coach.

What are the benefits?


30 Day Self-Coaching Journal

Click below to access your 30 Day Self-Coaching Journal
