goal setting

Now that we've mastered active listening, it's time to move onto the next chapter of our coaching toolkit: Goal Setting.

Now, don't underestimate this one; it’s not as simple as jotting down a wish list. It’s about unlocking dreams, carving paths from dreams to reality, and turning those 'what ifs' into 'heck yeahs'. We're talking about the kind of goals that light a fire in your belly and put a sparkle in your eyes.

What are the benefits?
Setting goals is like giving your client the reins to their life. But before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let's unravel the whys of goal setting. Why is it so important in a coaching relationship?

CLARITY AND FOCUS: First and foremost, setting goals provides clarity. It's like shining a torch into the dark corners of uncertainty. Once your client has a clear goal in their mind, it acts as a compass, pointing them in the right direction, and helps maintain focus. It eliminates distractions, and turns vague desires into tangible targets.

MEASUREMENT OF PROGRESS: Goals aren't just endpoints; they are the yardstick by which progress is measured. They turn the abstract concept of growth into concrete, observable changes. Each small achievement, every minor breakthrough, becomes a cause for celebration, fuelling self-esteem and desire for more.

MOTIVATION AND COMMITMENT: Which brings us to the next point. A well-defined goal, something your client truly yearns for, stokes the fires of motivation. It fosters a sense of ownership, commitment and a proactive mindset toward to their personal development journey, It's no longer about 'should do' but about 'want to do.'

Remember, coaches, our job isn't just to lead clients to their goals; it's to empower them to become goal-setters, to instil in them a growth mindset that celebrates each stride forward. So, let's get to it, shall we? Let's set some goals and smash them!

Self-Contract Worksheet

Goal Tracker


LESSON 2: goal setting

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  • SMART GOALS: I'm sure you've heard of this one before. It's an oldie but a goodie. Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework gives structure to your client's aspirations, turning them from dreamy wishes into achievable targets.

  • LAYERED GOALS: Encourage your client to set both short-term and long-term goals. The short-term goals serve as stepping stones towards the long-term ones. These small, frequent wins keep the motivation levels high and the momentum going.

  • REVISIT AND REFINE: Remember, goals aren't set in stone. They are as dynamic as your client's life. Regular check-ins to revisit and refine goals ensure that they remain aligned with your client's evolving journey. If a goal no longer serves them, it's okay to let it go and set a new one.

  • VISUALISE: Invite your clients to close their eyes and visualise achieving their goals. How does it feel? What does it look like? This sensory experience makes the goals more real and the motivation to achieve them stronger.

  • ACKNOWLEDGE BARRIERS: It's not all smooth sailing, and that's okay. Identifying potential obstacles in advance can equip your client with strategies to tackle them effectively. I call these my 'banana skins'. What could make me potentially slip up?


  • CLIENT-CENTRED: The goals should come from your client, not you. Your role is to guide, to nudge, to facilitate, not dictate. It's their journey, you are just the co-pilot.

  • BALANCE AMBITION AND REALISM: Goals should be ambitious enough to inspire, yet realistic enough to achieve. Encourage your clients to dream big, but also keep them grounded in their capabilities and circumstances. Remember, it's about progress, not perfection.

  • EMPHASISE PROCESS OVER OUTCOME: Often, the journey towards a goal holds more growth and learning than the goal itself. Remind your clients to savour the process, to relish each step, each stumble, each leap forward. It's not just about reaching the summit, but also about enjoying the climb.


  • THE GOAL COLLAGE: Time to awaken the inner artist in you. Set a personal SMART goal and represent it in a collage. Use images, words, colours – anything that resonates with your goal. The visual representation not only makes your goal feel more tangible but also serves as a constant reminder of what you're striving for.

  • THE GOAL-SETTING PARTY: Gather a group of friends or fellow coaches for a virtual goal-setting party. Have everyone come prepared with a goal they want to work on. Spend the time sharing, brainstorming, and giving feedback to each other. Not only does this make the process of goal setting more fun, but it also allows you to learn from different perspectives.

  • THE GOAL JOURNEY MAP: In your next coaching session, guide your client in creating a 'Goal Journey Map'. This isn't just about the goal itself, but the journey towards it – the steps, the potential obstacles, and strategies to overcome them, and most importantly, the rewards along the way. This will be a living document that your client can revisit and revise as they progress towards their goal.

Take Action


Self-Contract Worksheet

Goal Tracker

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