
Hello, fantastic coaches! We're now stepping into our final lesson of this course, which is all about the art and science of self-talk.

Now, we've all got that little voice in our heads, right? The one that nudges you when you're about to step out of your comfort zone, cheers you on when you start making progress, or, on the not-so-great days, throws a bucket of self-doubt on your self-esteem. That, my friends, is self-talk.

It's the constant internal chatter that influences how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. Like an unseen puppeteer, self-talk can guide our emotions, decisions, and actions. It's been there, humming in the background, ever since you were old enough to form a thought. But here's the thing: While self-talk is a universal human experience, how your clients harness its power can drastically differ, especially during the coaching process.

What are the benefits?
The power of self-talk isn't just some fluffy concept. It's backed by hard science and can deliver tangible benefits to your coaching practice and your clients' journey. Let's see how:

ENHANCES SELF-CONFIDENCE: Positive self-talk works like an inner cheerleader, boosting self-confidence. Your clients will start to believe in their abilities and feel more equipped to take on challenges.

IMPROVES PERFORMANCE: Research shows positive self-talk can be a performance enhancer, leading to better concentration, increased endurance, and less performance anxiety. This can aid your clients in achieving their goals with a clearer mind and more focus.

REDUCES STRESS: Positive self-talk can act as a stress reliever. It assists in managing stressful situations and promotes a positive approach towards coping with difficult scenarios.

CULTIVATES RESILIENCE: Positive self-talk builds resilience. It encourages your clients to bounce back from failures and setbacks, viewing them as valuable learning opportunities rather than discouraging obstacles.

FACILITATES PERSONAL GROWTH: Self-talk allows clients to uncover hidden beliefs or self-sabotaging patterns. Understanding these mental blocks is the first step towards profound change.

So, coaches, are you ready to master the art of self-talk? Remember, it's not about silencing your inner critic entirely. It's about fostering a balanced, supportive dialogue that propels you and your clients towards your true potential. Let's get talking!

Overcome Negative Self-Talk Worksheets

Word Swap Affirmation Cards



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  • RAISE AWARENESS: The journey begins with awareness. Encourage your clients to tune into their internal dialogue. Listening closely to what their mind is constantly whispering can unveil recurring patterns, themes, or biases that might be affecting their perceptions and decisions.

  • FIND EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT POSITIVE THOUGHTS: When negative self-talk is based on irrational or untrue beliefs, it can be helpful to encourage clients to challenge these beliefs by finding evidence that contradicts them. For example, if a client has a negative belief that they are not good enough, a coach can ask them to provide evidence that supports this belief and then help them to find evidence that contradicts it. This can help to shift their perspective and create a more positive self-talk.

  • USE POSITIVE LANGUAGE: When helping a client reframe their negative self-talk, it's important to use positive language that reinforces the positive message. For example, instead of saying "Don't be so hard on yourself," a coach could say "Be kind to yourself and focus on your strengths." This helps to create a positive and supportive environment that encourages positive self-talk.

  • PROMOTE SELF-COMPASSION: This is about teaching your clients to be their own best friends. They should learn to forgive themselves for mistakes, treating themselves with the same kindness and understanding they would extend to others.


  • Encourage Journaling: Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-talk exploration. Suggest that your clients keep a record of their thoughts and feelings.

  • Model Positive Self-Talk: Show your clients the power of positive self-talk through your own behaviour. Your personal narrative can inspire them to alter theirs.

  • Reframe Challenges: Help your clients see problems as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. Reframing challenges can change their perspective and encourage a positive attitude.

  • Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude: Encourage your clients to consciously shift their focus towards positivity. Developing a daily gratitude practice can rewire their brains to notice and appreciate the positive aspects of their lives, thus balancing out negative self-talk.


  • YOURSELF: Write down any negative thoughts you have about yourself and practice reframing them into positive affirmations. You can use this journal to reflect on your progress and monitor your self-talk patterns.

  • FRIEND / FAMILY: Challenge a friend or family member to a positive self-talk challenge. Each day, you can text or call each other and share positive affirmations you have created for yourselves.

  • CLIENT: Use a role-playing exercise with your client to help them practice positive self-talk. For example, you can act as the client's negative inner voice, while the client practices reframing their negative self-talk into positive affirmations. This can help your client to become more comfortable with positive self-talk and develop a more positive mindset.

Take Action


Word-swap Affirmation Cards

Overcome Negative Self-Talk Worksheets

If you need a little something extra to help you fast-track your development, and improve your coaching sessions, here are some great resources you can use.
